The Long Beach/Orange County motorcycle club was founded in 1972 to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for its gay/lesbian/pan-sexual members to enjoy motorcycling. We promote bike safety, as well, host social gatherings, Day rides and overnight rides.
The Lost Coyotes is a motorcycle club dedicated to the promotion and participation in desert races. It's members participate AMA District 37 events. one of oldest race clubs southern California, headquartered Lancaster, CA.
The Motorcycle Action Group (MAG) was formed in 1973 to campaign for voluntary crash helmet use . Since that time MAG has broadened the scope of its activities, making MAG the leading body campaigning on behalf of motorcyclists in the UK.
The Maryland Redlinerz are a group of men and women with one common love, the thrill of riding a motorcycle. We came together in the summer of 2003 to form a motorcycle club of men and woman of diverse backgrounds...